A Faithful Word
The Passionate Pastor Podcast
Ramadan Resolutions After Eid

Ramadan Resolutions After Eid

Let us resolve to continue being better versions of ourselves after Ramadan is over.

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A Faithful Word
The Passionate Pastor Podcast
I am very passionate when I give a Friday Sermon. I always have been, and I can't help it. In fact, when many people hear it is me giving the sermon, they say: "Oh...it is the 'Imam Al 'Asabee," or the "Passionate Pastor" in Arabic. So, that's what I've decided to call my podcast: "The Passionate Pastor." This podcast will archive all the Friday Sermons I give on a regular basis. I pray you enjoy and derive benefit from them.
Read more of Dr. Hassaballa's writings at www.godfaithpen.com